Multiresistant tuberculosis in Brazil: history and control


  • Margareth Pretti Dalcolmo Ministério da Saúde; Centro de Referência Hélio Fraga
  • Mônica Kramer de Noronha Andrade Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Faculdade de Medicina
  • Pedro Dornelles Picon Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul; Hospital Sanatório Partenon



Tuberculosis^i2^sMultidrug-resist, Tuberculosis^i2^sprevention & cont, Tuberculosis^i2^smultidrug-resist, Tuberculosis^i2^shist, Evaluation of results of therapeutic interventions, Epidemiologic surveillance, National health programs, Brazil


The article aimed at assessing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis control in Brazil, based on the experiences of reference institutions, and the most relevant studies carried out to determine local and national resistance rates. Control measures and the current situation of treatment and diagnoses after the implementation of the national guidelines, which were revised in 2004, are considered. The first national survey on resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs was performed in the middle of last decade. From its outcomes, a regimen to treat all cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis was validated and adopted. Government measures enabled the implementation of a surveillance system, whose outcomes are also commented.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Dalcolmo, M. P., Andrade, M. K. de N., & Picon, P. D. (2007). Multiresistant tuberculosis in Brazil: history and control . Revista De Saúde Pública, 41(suppl.1), 34-42.