Strategies for tuberculosis control in Brazil: networking and civil society participation


  • Ezio Távora dos Santos Filho Fundo Global contra a Aids, Tuberculose e Malária
  • Zaïra Machado dos Santos Gomes Fundo Global contra a Aids, Tuberculose e Malária



Tuberculosis^i2^sprevention & cont, Consumer participation, Participative planning, Health public policy, Brazil


Although no significant changes in the tuberculosis indicators have been registered in Brazil in recent years, there is a clear shift in the political scenario regarding the manner this disease has been tackled, with the appearance of civil society standing out. Considerations about the conditions that contributed to its emergence are made, such as the origin, composition, actions, partners and perspectives on social mobilization. Due to initiatives for tuberculosis control on an international level and attempts to encourage social mobilization on state and municipal levels, the Brazilian federal government began to engage in a more consistent and coherent policy, also including civil society in its actions. In spite of being an actor acknowledged by the public power and considered strategic for the success of tuberculosis control actions, community participation requires incentives and constant support from other sectors.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Santos Filho, E. T. dos, & Gomes, Z. M. dos S. (2007). Strategies for tuberculosis control in Brazil: networking and civil society participation . Revista De Saúde Pública, 41(suppl.1), 111-116.