Social inequality in health: revisiting moments and trends in 50 years of publication of RSP


  • Marilisa Berti de Azevedo Barros Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Faculdade de Ciências Médicas; Departamento de Saúde Coletiva


Palabras clave:

Health Inequalities, Publications, trends, Public Health, Review, Historical Article


This study describes the frequency and types of articles on social inequalities in health published in 50 years of the Revista de Saúde Pública, taking as reference some milestones that were used as guidelines to develop the research on this theme. Checking titles, keywords and abstracts or full texts, we identified 288 articles whose central or secondary focus was social inequalities in health. Corresponding to just 1.8% in the initial years, articles on social inequalities in health have represent 10.1% of the articles published in the last decade. The designs used were mainly cross-sectional (58.0%) and ecological (18.1%). The most analyzed themes were: food/nutrition (20.8%), mortality (13.5%), infectious diseases (10.1%), oral health (9.0%), and health services (8.7%). Articles focused on the analysis of racial inequalities in health amounted to 6.9%. Few articles monitored the trends of social inequalities in health, essential enterprise to assess and support interventions, and an even smaller number evaluated the impact of policies and programs on the reduction of social inequalities in health.





Artigos Comemorativos - Cinquenta Anos

Cómo citar

Barros, M. B. de A. (2017). Social inequality in health: revisiting moments and trends in 50 years of publication of RSP. Revista De Saúde Pública, 51, 17.