Working hours associated with unintentional sleep at work among airline pilots


  • Elaine Cristina Marqueze Universidade Católica de Santos; Departamento de Epidemiologia
  • Ana Carolina B Nicola Associação Brasileira de Pilotos da Aviação Civil
  • Dag Hammarskjoeld M D Diniz Associação Brasileira de Pilotos da Aviação Civil
  • Frida Marina Fischer Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Saúde Ambiental


Palabras clave:

Aviation, Human Resources, Sleep Deprivation, Epidemiology, Working Conditions, Shift Work, Occupational Health


OBJECTIVE Tto identify factors associated with unintentional sleep at work of airline pilots. METHODS This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted with 1,235 Brazilian airline pilots, who work national or international flights. Data collection has been performed online. We carried out a bivariate and multiple logistic regression analysis, having as dependent variable unintentional sleep at work. The independent variables were related to biodemographic data, characteristics of the work, lifestyle, and aspects of sleep. RESULTS The prevalence of unintentional sleep while flying the airplane was 57.8%. The factors associated with unintentional sleep at work were: flying for more than 65 hours a month, frequent technical delays, greater need for recovery after work, work ability below optimal, insufficient sleep, and excessive sleepiness. CONCLUSIONS The occurrence of unintentional sleep at work of airline pilots is associated with factors related to the organization of the work and health.





Artigos Originais

Cómo citar

Marqueze, E. C., Nicola, A. C. B., Diniz, D. H. M. D., & Fischer, F. M. (2017). Working hours associated with unintentional sleep at work among airline pilots. Revista De Saúde Pública, 51, 61.