Psychological model of ART adherence behaviors in persons living with HIV/AIDS in Mexico: a structural equation analysis


  • José Luis Ybarra Sagarduy Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Julio Alfonso Piña López
  • Mónica Teresa González Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León; Facultad de Psicología
  • Luis Enrique Fierros Dávila Universidad de Sonora; Departamento de Psicología y Ciencias de la Comunicación


Palabras clave:

HIV Long-Term Survivors Acquired, psychology, Medication Adherence, Immunodeficiency Syndrome, drug therapy, Models, Psychological, Patient Medication Knowledge, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice


OBJECTIVE The objective of this study has been to test the ability of variables of a psychological model to predict antiretroviral therapy medication adherence behavior. METHODS We have conducted a cross-sectional study among 172 persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), who completed four self-administered assessments: 1) the Psychological Variables and Adherence Behaviors Questionnaire, 2) the Stress-Related Situation Scale to assess the variable of Personality, 3) The Zung Depression Scale, and 4) the Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used to construct a model to predict medication adherence behaviors. RESULTS Out of all the participants, 141 (82%) have been considered 100% adherent to antiretroviral therapy. Structural equation modeling has confirmed the direct effect that personality (decision-making and tolerance of frustration) has on motives to behave, or act accordingly, which was in turn directly related to medication adherence behaviors. In addition, these behaviors have had a direct and significant effect on viral load, as well as an indirect effect on CD4 cell count. The final model demonstrates the congruence between theory and data (x2/df. = 1.480, goodness of fit index = 0.97, adjusted goodness of fit index = 0.94, comparative fit index = 0.98, root mean square error of approximation = 0.05), accounting for 55.7% of the variance. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study support our theoretical model as a conceptual framework for the prediction of medication adherence behaviors in persons living with HIV/AIDS. Implications for designing, implementing, and evaluating intervention programs based on the model are to be discussed.






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Cómo citar

Sagarduy, J. L. Y., López, J. A. P., Ramírez, M. T. G., & Dávila, L. E. F. (2017). Psychological model of ART adherence behaviors in persons living with HIV/AIDS in Mexico: a structural equation analysis. Revista De Saúde Pública, 51, 81.