Inequality of opportunity in health: evidence from Chile


  • Kevin Gallardo Universidad Católica del Norte. Escuela de Ciencias Empresariales
  • Liseth Varas Universidad Católica del Norte. Escuela de Ciencias Empresariales
  • Mauricio Gallardo Universidad Católica del Norte. Escuela de Ciencias Empresariales


Palabras clave:

Health Status. Epidemiologic Factors. Socioeconomic Factors. Health Inequalities.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the possible presence of inequality of opportunities in the health status of Chileans, according to sociodemographic circumstances. METHODS: Self-rated health data were used from the Chilean National Health Survey of 2010 to test the hypothesis of strong and weak equality of opportunities in the health status of the Chilean population. These hypotheses were tested using nonparametric techniques and second-order stochastic dominance criteria. RESULTS: Robust empirical evidence was obtained, which indicate that the education level of the mother, household socioeconomic status, sex, zone, and region of residence determine opportunities to achieve good health in Chile. CONCLUSIONS: Better health status was identified for Chilean adults whenever their mothers had a higher education level, their household income was higher, they were men, or lived in urban areas. The region of residence also affects opportunities to achieve good health in Chile.





Artigos Originais

Cómo citar

Gallardo, K., Varas, L., & Gallardo, M. (2017). Inequality of opportunity in health: evidence from Chile. Revista De Saúde Pública, 51, 110.