Choosing a hospital assistance ship to fight the covid-19 pandemic



Palabras clave:

Public Health, Pandemics, Relief work, Coronavirus infection


OBJECTIVE: To apply the THOR 2 multi-criteria support system to select the Brazilian navy’s most suitable hospital care vessel (NAsH) to support the fight against the covid-19 pandemic. METHODS: We used the first three stages of the Soft Systems Methodology for structuring and modeling of the problem. For the evaluation and ordering of alternatives, we used the Thor 2 multi-criteria support system, comparing four classes of NAsH in the light of their operational and hospital criteria: “Dr. Montenegro,” “Soares Meirelles,” “Oswaldo Cruz” and “Tenente Maximiano.” The chosen ship would support the amazon hospital system, which has an increasing number of cases of covid-19. RESULTS: After the application of the methods, we analyzed three distinct scenarios of ordering the alternatives, which allowed a robust sensitivity analysis, conferring greater transparency and reliability to the decision-making process. The NAsH “Oswaldo Cruz” was selected to be used in the fight against the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: This study brings valuable contribution to academia and society, since it represents the application of a multi-criteria decision-aid method in the state of the art to contribute to the solution of a real problem that affects millions of people in Brazil and worldwide.





Artigos Originais

Cómo citar

Costa, I. P. de A., Maêda, S. M. do N., Teixeira, L. F. H. de S. de B., Gomes, C. F. S., & Santos, M. dos. (2020). Choosing a hospital assistance ship to fight the covid-19 pandemic. Revista De Saúde Pública, 54, 79.