Uber use after alcohol consumption among car/motorcycle drivers in ten Brazilian capitals
Alcohol Drinking, Driving Under the InfluenceAbstract
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to measure the proportion of Uber use instead of drinking and driving in ten Brazilian capitals, in 2019. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was developed in ten Brazilian capitals. Data were collected in agglomeration points (AP) and sobriety checkpoints (SC). Based on responses to a standardized questionnaire, the proportion of drivers who used Uber instead of drinking and driving was measured for total sample of each methodology and stratified by municipality, age group, gender, education level, and type of vehicle. Fisher’s exact test was used to make comparisons between the strata. RESULTS: A total of 8,864 drivers were interviewed. The most used means of transport to replace driving after drinking alcohol was the Uber system (AP: 54.6%; 95%CI: 51.2–58.0. SC: 58.6%; 95%CI: 55.2–61.9). Most of these users were aged from 18 to 29 years, women, with at least one higher education degree. According to the AP methodology, the highest magnitude of this indicator was found in Vitória (ES) (71.0%; 95%CI: 63.5–77.5), whereas the lowest was observed in Teresina (PI) (33.1%; 95%CI: 22.7–45.5). According to the SC methodology, the highest magnitude of the indicator was also found in Vitória (ES) (78.3%; 95%CI: 68.8–85.5), whereas the lowest was observed in Boa Vista (RR) (36.6%; 95%CI: 26.8–47.7). CONCLUSION: In Brazilian capitals, the study showed higher proportions of Uber use instead of drinking and driving. This type of scientific evidence on factors associated with road traffic injuries presents the potential to guide public health interventions.
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