Total phenolics and carotenoids in surinam cherry


  • Vera Lúcia Arroxelas Galvão de Lima UFRPE; Depto. de Ciências Domésticas
  • Enayde de Almeida Mélo UFRPE; Depto. de Ciências Domésticas
  • Daisyvângela E. da Silva Lima UFRPE



Eugenia uniflora, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total carotenoids, maturity stages


Because of the genetic diversity, fruits of Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) show colours that range from orange to deep, almost dark red. However, in Pernambuco, Brazil, it is common to find this fruit with an orange-red colour. Many phytochemicals in fruits have antioxidant properties with emphasis on phenolic compounds and carotenoids. Since the information on these phytochemicals in surinam cherry is scarce, the aim of this research was to analyse them in fruits which show red and purple colours. Half-mature and mature fruits were used to evaluate these phytochemicals. In purple surinam cherries and their peel, total anthocyanins, flavonols and carotenoids were determined. Phenolic compounds and carotenoids had higher concentration in purple mature cherries than in red ones, at the same stage of maturation. Purple cherries showed significant quantity of anthocyanin with values higher in mature fruits than in the half-mature. Total carotenoids, anthocyanins and flavonols were higher in the peel than in the pulp of mature fruits. The anthocyanin, flavonol and carotenoid contents in purple surinam cherry make this fruit a promising source of antioxidant compounds. For this reason the cultivation of this crop should be encouraged.


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Food Science and Technology

How to Cite

Total phenolics and carotenoids in surinam cherry . (2002). Scientia Agricola, 59(3), 447-450.