Identification of a non-host plant of Xylella fastidiosa to rear healthy sharpshooter vectors


  • Rosangela Cristina Marucci Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luíz de Queirós; Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola
  • Teresinha Augusta Giustolin Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luíz de Queirós; Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola
  • Marcelo Pedreira de Miranda Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luíz de Queirós; Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola
  • Helen Miquelote Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luíz de Queirós; Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola
  • Rodrigo Piacentini Paes de Almeida University of Hawaii; Departament of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences
  • João Roberto Spotti Lopes Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luíz de Queirós; Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola



Vernonia condensata, citrus variegated chlorosis, coffee leaf scorch, sharpshooter vectors, rearing technique


Rearing leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) vectors free of Xylella fastidiosa is a requirement for studies of various aspects of vector-pathogen interactions. The selection of a plant that allows vector development but not bacterial multiplication is desirable to produce healthy vectors. In this study, two leafhopper hosts, Vernonia condensata ('boldo') and Aloysia virgata ('lixeira') were needle inoculated with citrus and coffee strains of X. fastidiosa to evaluate if these plants support pathogen colonization. The inoculated plants did not present symptoms and the pathogen was not detected by culture and PCR tests, neither soon after inoculation (7-14 days) nor later, at 1, 4, 6 and 12 months after inoculation. To obtain healthy adults of the leafhopper vectors Acrogonia citrina, Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata and Oncometopia facialis, early-instar nymphs were reared on V. condensata. X. fastidiosa was not detected in any of 175 adults obtained. V. condensata and A. virgata are nonpropagative hosts of X. fastidiosa and enable the production of healthy leafhoppers for vector studies.








How to Cite

Identification of a non-host plant of Xylella fastidiosa to rear healthy sharpshooter vectors . (2003). Scientia Agricola, 60(4), 669-675.