Online Submission
Scientia Agricola is a journal of the University of São Paulo edited at the Luiz de Queiroz campus in Piracicaba, a city in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Scientia Agricola publishes original articles which contribute to the advancement of the agricultural, environmental and biological sciences. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics, including Crop and Animal Production, Agricultural Engineering, Agroindustrial Technology, Forestry, and Applications in Agricultural, Environmental, Soil, and Biological Sciences. Four categories of manuscript can be submitted: original research articles, reviews, notes and points of view. Original research articles are grouped by subject matter into the following categories: Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Microbiology; Agrometeorology; Animal Science and Pastures; Biometry, Modeling, and Statistics; Crop Science; Ecology; Entomology; Food Science and Technology; Forestry Science; Genetics and Plant Breeding; Plant Pathology; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Soils and Plant Nutrition; and Zoology. Articles published in Scientia Agricola are indexed or abstracted by Current Contents ®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch ®), Scopus, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts, SciELO, AGRIS, AGROBASE, Chemical Abstracts, INIS and Tropag & Rural. Original manuscripts evaluated by the Editorial Board may be submitted to peer review or rejected without further review. Copyright Once the manuscript is approved, the authors grant an exclusive license to publish the submitted article in printed and electronic format including photographs that may be selected as a cover image. The copyright law also requires that the authors must provide to the Scientia Agricola the permissions to use copyrights material that was published by others journals or publishers, which include figures, tables and images. The permissions must be uploaded in the system as a supplemental file. |
COVER LETTER (must be written in English)
Cover image submissions: The cover of, Scientia Agricola may feature an image representative of an article published in that issue. Authors are invited to submit scientifically interesting and visually appealing cover images. Images should be high-resolution (300 dpi) and should measure 17 x 17 cm. Cover images can be photographs of organisms, habitats, montages of photographs, diagrams, maps or data. Illustrations need not be reprinted in the article but should be representative of the work. Images should be original, and authors grant Scientia Agricola the exclusive license to publish. Upload the image as an additional supplemental file along with a separate text file that includes a brief one-paragraph description of the image describing its relevance to the published manuscript. If an author does not hold the copyright for a submitted image, they are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to use it. Tables and figures
References Scientia Agricola does not allow authors to cite congress or workshop abstracts, technical articles, dissertations and theses. References in Portuguese or any language other than English should be limited to those essentially important to the study. Up to four references written in languages other than English will be allowed without justifications. More than that will only be allowed if the authors explain the reasons for keeping them in the text. If allowed by the Editor-in-Chief, these extra references must be cited in English with the text in the original language provided at the end of the reference, in the following format: (in Portuguese, with abstract in English) Scientia Agricola does not recommend that authors cite statistical analyses or software packages as references. These tools should be mentioned in the text (Materials and Methods) by including the specific procedure and the name of the software with its version and/or year, e.g., “…statistical procedures were conducted using PROC NLIN in SAS (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.2)”. References and citations in Scientia Agricola articles should be formatted in the 'author, year' or 'name (year)' style. Remember to ensure that text citations match the list of references. Examples: 1. Single author: Reichardt (2000) or (Reichardt, 2000). 2. Two authors: Fiorio and Demattê (2009) or (Fiorio and Demattê, 2009). 3. Three or more authors: Rosso et al. (2009) or (Rosso et al., 2009). 4. Arrange references alphabetically and chronologically within brackets, and use semicolons (;) to separate multiple citations within brackets, e.g.: (Boleli, 2003; Boerjan, 2006; Muraroli and Mendes, 2003). 5. Order multiple citations 'same author-same date' with the aid of lower case letters, e.g.: (Cyrino, 2004a, b). 6. Use the "author-year" style to format the list of references, and: (i) do not abbreviate any other words apart from the first and middle names of authors; (ii) use all capitals only for acronyms, i.e., when the author is an organization; (iii) name all authors and capitalize authors' last name and initials, which should be separated by a period (.); (iv) separate authors by semicolon; (v) do not use ampersands (&) in the citations nor in the reference list; (vi) do not use bold characters to highlight any part of the reference; (vii) capitalize books and periodical titles; (viii) do not use a comma (,) to separate the title and volume of a periodical; (ix) separate the periodical volume from the page numbers with a colon (:); (x) use full page numbering; (xi) separate page numbers with a dash (-); (xii) separate page groups by a comma if the article was published in discontinuous pages; (xiii) indicate the number of a given edition of a book or manual, e.g., "2ed"; (xiv) for books and manuals, indicate the publisher or editorial office before the main locality of the publisher or editorial office; (xv) separate publishers or editorial offices from locality with a comma; and (xvi) in such cases, name city, state and/or province and country. 6.1 Scientific journals 6.2 Books 6.2.1 Books with authors 6.2.2 Books with editors/organizers 6.2.3 Books (and manuals) with an organization as author or editor/organizer 6.3 Book chapters Sharpley, A.N.; Rekolainen, S. 1997. Phosphorus in agriculture and its environmental implications. p. 1-53. In: Tunney, H.; Carton, O.T.; Brookes, P.C.; Johnston, A.E., eds. Phosphorus loss from soil to water. CAB International, New York, NY, USA. 6.4 Electronic media sources 6.4.1 Required elements for listing website citations are: 6.4.2 Required elements for listing publications available online are: 6.5 Listing references not written in English Provide the English title and indicate the original publishing language of the journal at the end of the citation, as below: Baretta, D.; Santos, J.C.P.; Figueiredo, S.R.; Klauberg-Filho, O. 2005. Effects of native pasture burning and Pinus monoculture on changes in soil biological attributes on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina - Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 29: 715-724 (in Portuguese, with abstract in English). Mingoti, A.S. 2005. Data analysis using multivariate statistics methods: an applied approach. = Análise de Dados Através de Métodos de Estatística Multivariada: uma abordagem aplicada. Editora UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil (in Portuguese). |
US$ 70.00 per page for up to six printed pages; US$105.00 per additional page beyond the sixth printed page |