Salinity reduced growth PS2 photochemistry and chlorophyll content in radish


  • Muhammad Jamil Sunchon National University; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Shafiq ur Rehman Kohat University of Science and Technology; Department of Botany
  • Kui Jae Lee Chonbuk National University; College of Agriculture and Life Science
  • Jeong Man Kim Jeollabuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service
  • Hyun-Soon Kim International Technical Cooperation Center; Research and Development Bureau
  • Eui Shik Rha Sunchon National University; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Raphanus sativus L., plant growth, photosynthesis, leaf area


When plants are grown under saline conditions, photosynthetic activity decreases leading to reduced plant growth, leaf area, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence. Seeds and seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) were grown in NaCl solutions under controlled greenhouse conditions. The NaCl concentrations in complete nutrient solutions were 0 (control), 4.7, 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1. The salinity reduced germination percentage and also delayed the germination rate as the salt level increased. Lengths and fresh weights of root and shoot decreased with the increasing salt concentration. Furthermore, photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), non photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), leaf area and chlorophyll content (SPAD value) were also reduced (P < 0.001) by salt stress. In contrast, the Fo/Fm ratio increased with increasing salt concentration while salinity showed no effect on the efficiency of excitation captured by open PS2 (Fv'/Fm'), electron transport rate (ETR), and leaf water content. Linear regression shows that the photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm) had a positive relationship with the photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), leaf area and chlorophyll content but had no relation with Fv'/Fm', Fo/Fm, and qN.







Crop Science

How to Cite

Salinity reduced growth PS2 photochemistry and chlorophyll content in radish . (2007). Scientia Agricola, 64(2), 111-118.