Analysis of the stress-inducible transcription factor SsNAC23 in sugarcane plants


  • Renata Fava Ditt UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes; Lab. de Genoma Funcional
  • Agustina Gentile UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes; Lab. de Genoma Funcional
  • Rafael Garcia Tavares UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes; Lab. de Genoma Funcional
  • Sandra Rodriguez Camargo UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes; Lab. de Genoma Funcional
  • Jorge Hernandez Fernandez UENF; CBB; LQFPP
  • Marcio Jose da Silva UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genética; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes
  • Marcelo Menossi UNICAMP; Inst. de Biologia; Depto. de Genética, Evolução e Bioagentes; Lab. de Genoma Funcional



SsNAC, in situ hybridization, cold stress, yeast two hybrid


Stresses such as cold and drought can impair plant yield and induce a highly complex array of responses. Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas and is considered a cold-sensitive plant. We previously showed that cold stress induces the expression of several genes in in vitro sugarcane plantlets. Here we characterize one of those genes, SsNAC23, a member of the NAC family of plant-specific transcription factors, which are induced by low temperature and other stresses in several plant species. The expression of SsNAC23 was induced in sugarcane plants exposed to low temperatures (4ºC). With the aim of further understanding the regulatory network in response to stress, we used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify sugarcane proteins that interact with SsNAC23. Using SsNAC23 as bait, we screened a cDNA expression library of sugarcane plants submitted to 4ºC for 48 h. Several interacting partners were identified, including stress-related proteins, increasing our knowledge on how sugarcane plants respond to cold stress. One of these interacting partners, a thioredoxin h1, offers insights into the regulation of SsNAC23 activity.


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Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas

Como Citar

Analysis of the stress-inducible transcription factor SsNAC23 in sugarcane plants . (2011). Scientia Agricola, 68(4), 454-461.