The actor’s face: from the photogenic expression to the external reflection
Film actors, Aesthetics and history of cinema, Film analysis.Abstract
The uses and theories around the composition in the foreground, which puts emphasis on the actor’s face: the idea of photogenic and visible emotion from Louis Delluc and Jean Epstein; Lev Kulechov and Mikhail Iampolski’s mask face and machine face, linked to the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s; Jacques Aumont’s proposition to analyze the close-up of actresses of the classic and modern cinema, divided into “soul face” and “screen face”.
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COURTINE, J.-J.; HAROCHE C. Histoire du Visage (1988). Paris : Ed. Payot et Rivages, 2007.
DELEUZE, G.; GUATTARI, F. Mille Plateaux. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1989.
EPSTEIN Jean. Magnification and other writings. In: October 3, primavera 1977.
IAMPOLSKI Mikhail. Visage-masque et visage-machine. In: ALBERA, F. (Org.). Vers une théorie de l’acteur. Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1994. p. 35-40.
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