The autonomous language of light as performing art: perceptual alterations through light and its narratives


  • Mirella Brandi Coletivo Phila7



light, visual art, performing arts, narratives, perception.


This article approaches light as an autonomous language within an expanded art form that appropriates many concepts and techniques from both performing and visual practices, in order to create subjective narratives. It addresses the exploration of the perceptual side of light as an artistic tool established in visual arts, expanded cinema and performing arts. The text highlights a wide range of concepts singularly gathered through light. It starts its journey by citing some important discoveries and theories about the uncertain nature of light, and moves forward through the fusion of languages and approaches on art. A glimpse is launched to what can be deepened and reorganized in artistic creation in different areas. The interdisciplinary investigative method seeks to contribute to the discussions around this recent subject in the sphere of lighting as artistic expression.


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Author Biography

  • Mirella Brandi, Coletivo Phila7

    É designer de luz e artista multimídia, dirige projetos artísticos ligados ao uso de novas tecnologias e desenvolve projetos de iluminação em diversas áreas. Pesquisa princípios da luz e da ótica, conectados ao desenvolvimento das artes visuais, artes cênicas, musica e dança, intermediados pela utilização de tecnologias relacionadas ao uso da imagem. Sócio-fundadora do Coletivo Phila7, que pesquisa e desenvolve projetos cênicos com intersecção de linguagens distintas e utilização de novas mídias no Teatro Contemporâneo. 

    Residente do MIS em 2010, vencedora do Rumos dança 2006, Rumos música 2010/2012, Rumos Cinema e Vídeo 2012/2014 e do Http Vídeo do Instituto Sérgio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia.


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How to Cite

Brandi, M. (2015). The autonomous language of light as performing art: perceptual alterations through light and its narratives. Sala Preta, 15(2), 46-58.