Distended bodies: Brazilian contemporary relationships between scene and technologies
Performance, Theater, Body art, Art and technology, Body expansion.Abstract
What is the role of the body in contemporary art? Certainly it is in the list of the main questions of aesthetics. The issues that involve the body and those that somehow orbit it (such as sexuality, gender, possession, limits and power) configure a constellation of themes and subdivisions that permeate the body and its limits, concerning also issues that involve technology, in even more complex nuances, like the cyber body and the post-human body. Of course, the performing arts, particularly performance and dance, will investigate ostensibly body relationships with technology, a field that in contemporary times took countless proportions. However, in this paper we will try to point out some possible relations between image technologies and their relationship with the body of the actants, be them actors, dancers, or performers. Such relationships may change the more performing expressions along with technologies that allow a dialogue aiming to expand approaches between body/scene and also body/technology.
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