Light and scene: impacts and exchanges




Theatre, light, scene, coevolution.


This article analyzes some aspects of the coevolutionary relationship between light and scene in theater considering the impacts of one over the other and its resultant exchanges and adaptive processes. The text is based on Katz and Greiner’s studies about body and environment, as well as historical references to light in the theater of Brecht, Artaud and Grotowski.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Gill Camargo, Universidade de Sorocaba

    Doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica, professor titular no curso de licenciatura em Teatro e Dança da Universidade de Sorocaba. Diretor de teatro e iluminador.


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How to Cite

Camargo, R. G. (2015). Light and scene: impacts and exchanges. Sala Preta, 15(2), 106-116.