The body and the city: The disruptive urban interventions of Viajou Sem Passaporte during military dictatorship


  • Patricia Morales Bertucci Universidade de São Paulo



Urban intervention, Urban performance, Body, Space production, Military Dictatorship.


This article approaches the urban interventions of the independent art group Viajou Sem Passaporte (traveled without passport) as opposition to the space produced in the city of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil) during the years of military dictatorship (1964-1985). Therefore, their performative actions are considered aesthetic-political disruptions, guided by creativity and capable of causing deviations on everyday life and inspiring new forms of subjectivity during an important moment of political transition: from military rule to democracy.


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Author Biography

  • Patricia Morales Bertucci, Universidade de São Paulo

    Patricia Morales Bertucci é arquiteta e urbanista, doutoranda em Artes pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. Com passagens pelo Teatro da Vertigem, Instituto Pólis e a Prefeitura de São Paulo, trabalha em projetos que discutem as conexões entre a cidade e a arte contemporânea.


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How to Cite

Bertucci, P. M. (2016). The body and the city: The disruptive urban interventions of Viajou Sem Passaporte during military dictatorship. Sala Preta, 16(2), 97-110.