The swan’s flight: when the body testifies the dance


  • Andréia Vieira Abdelnur Camargo Universidade de São Paulo



Dance history, Swan, Body, Subject, Testimony.


Using different experiences of choreographic creation inspired by the swan, an emblematic figure in dance history, this article aims to discuss how the body can be seen as testimony of dance and the dancers during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. The swan is one of the figures most frequently mentioned by the gestures of western dance, and as such it allows observing dance histories and comprehending how different bodies crossed traditions and imposed themselves as coauthors of Dance History (as it has been conventionally named). The theoretical fundaments are based on Body Studies, Dance Studies, and Dance Historiography. At the end, the article will analyze the choreographic pieces of Trilogy of Swan, created by the Brazilian artists of Pró-Posição Group between 2007 and 2009.


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Author Biography

  • Andréia Vieira Abdelnur Camargo, Universidade de São Paulo
    Departamento de Artes Cênicas, área de Poéticas do Corpo e da Voz


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How to Cite

Camargo, A. V. A. (2016). The swan’s flight: when the body testifies the dance. Sala Preta, 16(2), 131-144.