O Grande sertão in the ruins of the class room: periphery historical formation and subjective social experience – a work report


  • Ivan Delmanto Universidade de São Paulo




pedagogy, performance, creative process


This article aims to study the creative process of the stage show Grande Sertão Grajaú: veredas e ruínas. It investigates the tense relations between the theatrical forms, approached in its diverse and contradictory dramatic structures, and subjectivity. This creative process explores the idea of “formation”, inspired by Antonio Candido’s work, Formação da Literatura Brasileira (Brazilian’s Literature Formation), which, in the national literary field, defines the ambivalence that exists in our cultural constitution process, characterized by the influence of imported artistic forms unrelated to the local historical realities. We will seek to identify several indications of a certain “tragic dialectic” and, notwithstanding its own diversity, how it could characterize this formation process capable of generating subjective social experiences as lacerated as the social fabric to which they correspond.


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Author Biography

  • Ivan Delmanto, Universidade de São Paulo
    Doutorando em Teoria e História do Teatro na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP)


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How to Cite

Delmanto, I. (2018). O Grande sertão in the ruins of the class room: periphery historical formation and subjective social experience – a work report. Sala Preta, 18(1), 109-125. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v18i1p109-125