The performativity of the figures in Lia Rodrigues’ coral dance in Piracema


  • Gabriela Machado Freire Tournillon Alcofra Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Dramaturgy, Performativity, Representativeness.


From a brief history of the changes in the concept and practice of Western dramaturgy, both in theater and in dance, since the middle of the 20th century, this article aims to contemplate the representation and presentation, performativity and representativeness in the construction of the contemporary scene, relating subject and context both as author and as a spectator, having as object of study Piracema, a Lia Rodrigues Dance Company presentation.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriela Machado Freire Tournillon Alcofra, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    Gabriela Alcofra é artista da dança e pesquisadora, doutoranda no programa de Pós- Graduação em Artes da Cena do Instituto de Artes da UNICAMP.


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How to Cite

Alcofra, G. M. F. T. (2016). The performativity of the figures in Lia Rodrigues’ coral dance in Piracema. Sala Preta, 16(2), 119-130.