Art criticism in the early German Romanticism and the production of subjectivity




Art criticism, Friedrich Schlegel, Early German Romanticism, Subjectivity production.


In this text I argue that a certain concept of criticism fostered by Friedrich Schlegel and the early German romantics is worth recovering for a consideration of the problem of subjectivity. I start by outlining the concept of criticism by Schlegel as it is presented by Walter Benjamin in his The Concept of Art Criticism in German Romanticism (1920). Here I stress three aspects of the abovementioned concept: the immanent dimension of the art work’s judgement criteria; the preparation of the prosaic nucleus of the art work; and the critical gesture as positive, creative, and as a restitution of the individual work to the infinitude of art. I conclude by articulating this notion of criticism with the idea of “sympoetry” proposed by Schlegel and other early romantics, sustaining that these notions can contribute to a resistance vocabulary and discourse in the context of contemporary subjectivity mass production.


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Author Biography

  • Alexandre Pieroni Calado, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação
    Licenciado Pré-Bolonha em Teatro, pela Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (IPL Lisboa). Mestre em História e Filosofia da Ciência, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL Lisboa). Doutor em Artes Cênicas, pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes (USP São Paulo). Dirigiu Dramas de Princesas. A Morte e a Donzela (2015), Woyzeck 1978 (2014), Quarteto (2013), Pregação (2012), Tête de Meduse (2010), da beleza ou o sistema nervoso dos peixes (2009), Húmus: Tríptico#2 (2014), Mecânica das Paixões (2012) e Miss Puss / Mestre Gato (2007). No teatro trabalhou com Ivica Buljan, Rogério de Carvalho, Amândio Pinheiro, Anabela Mendes, entre outros. É membro do Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicações (UAlgarve /IPLisboa).


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Fontes na Rede Mundial

Speight, Allen, "Friedrich Schlegel", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>. Acedido a 4/9/2016.






How to Cite

Calado, A. P. (2016). Art criticism in the early German Romanticism and the production of subjectivity. Sala Preta, 16(2), 57-72.