This I is me: The audience on the stage through technology tools


  • Andrea Caruso Saturnino Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



Contemporary theatre, Audience, Rimini Protokoll, Roger Bernat, Technology.


The contributions of new technologies in the contemporary scene invite us to rethink the stage presence, as real as mediated, in the viewpoint of perception and appropriation by the public. This article focuses on the performances that involve public participation through technological tools without having the actors on stage, especially Situation Rooms, by the Rimini Protokoll collective, and Pendente de Voto, by Roger Bernat. It reflects on the question of the specificity of these emerging theatrical writings, which, on the one hand, brings the director himself back to the heart of the creative work, and, on the other, makes the audience active subject in the construction of the script.


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Author Biography

  • Andrea Caruso Saturnino, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    Doutora em Teoria e Prática Teatral


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How to Cite

Saturnino, A. C. (2017). This I is me: The audience on the stage through technology tools. Sala Preta, 17(1), 65-76.