Performing the other: reenactment as a device of immersive experiences


  • Julia Guimarães Mendes Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



Audience, Reenactment, Documentary theatre, Participation, Scenic device.


This article investigates artistic and politic potentialities of contemporary
creations built in the form of documentary reenactments. The term comprises performances that invite audience to redo actions of people previously documented, from specific poetic and technological devices.
In order to develop this analysis, I start from my own experience as a researcher-participant in works created by the Catalan director Roger
Bernat and by the Swiss-German collective Rimini Protokoll. From the
dialogue with the concept of scenic device, I explore the hypothesis that
the immersive experience of “performing the other” collaborates to problematize and temporarily expand the public perception about the documentary contexts addressed.


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Author Biography

  • Julia Guimarães Mendes, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    Doutoranda no PPG em Artes Cênicas da ECA-USP.


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How to Cite

Mendes, J. G. (2017). Performing the other: reenactment as a device of immersive experiences. Sala Preta, 17(1), 48-64.