The video in Marina Abramovic’s work and the attempt to escape the means of communication: presence versus ascetic practice


  • Sheyna Teixeira Queiroz Université de Lille 3 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Marina Abramovic, presence, ascetic, video, performance


This article analyzes the quality of presence on the stage of the performance artist Marina Abramovic through her body preparation based on what she calls “ascetic practices”. The quality of presence and the concepts that compose these practices are reviewed in the use of video in her creations. Video, performance or videoperformance? At the same time as ascetic practices determine a way of life that escapes current communication media, video retains these properties returning to the practices of mediatization of artistic aesthetics. Among our main objectives is the analysis of Marina’s works, filmed and available on the internet, as well as the analysis of the retrospective exhibition presented at MoMA about the artist in 2010. We accessed digital platforms and journals as methodology, starting from basic concepts, their contextualization and complexity related to the reference works.


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How to Cite

Queiroz, S. T. (2018). The video in Marina Abramovic’s work and the attempt to escape the means of communication: presence versus ascetic practice. Sala Preta, 18(1), 328-339.