The Mask: the documental performance of Edward Gordon Craig and Dorothy Nevile Lees




Gordon Craig, The Mask, Dorothy Nevile Lees


Edward Gordon Craig has created in his renowned periodical The Mask a creative environment that surpassed the journalistic function. In addition to the originality of being a publication exclusively dedicated to the art of theater, it also has given rise to a unique artistic language: simultaneously a literary and performative place, in which Craig has interfaced, in a ludic way, his ideas for a theatrical renewal with a meticulous documental effort both by retrieving old texts hunted in archives and by offering a niche for the historical record of the different vanguards of the early twentieth century. The historical figure of coeditor Dorothy Nevile Lees, a journalist and writer who has shared with Craig the maintenance of The Mask for twenty years and has been custodian of such material for posterity, whose name has been unfairly obscured by Craig, is rescued.


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CRAIG, E. G. On the art of the theatre. London: Routledge, 2009.

______. A living theatre. The Gordon Craig School. The Arena Goldoni. The Mask: setting forth the aims and objects of the movement and showing by many illustrations the city of Florence, the Arena. Florence: Arena Goldoni, 1913.

______. The Mask. A quarterly illustrated journal of the art of the theatre. Florence: Arena Goldoni, 1908-1929. (Coleção British Institute of Florence).

LEES, D. N. Notes on work with Gordon Craig and The Mask in Florence. Archivio Contemporaneo dello Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G. P. Vieusseux, 1961. (Diário pessoal).

______. About “The Mask”. In: CRAIG, E. G. A living theatre. The Gordon Craig School. The Arena Goldoni. The Mask: setting forth the aims and objects of the movement and showing by many illustrations the city of Florence, the Arena. Florence: Arena Goldoni, 1913.

MELOSI, L. Profili di donne. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2001.

RIBEIRO, A. Um diálogo às margens do Ganges: Gordon Craig e Ananda Coomaraswamy. Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 3, p. 463-485, 2014.

SBORGI, I. B. Behind The Mask: Dorothy Nevile Lee’s Florentine contribution do Edward Gordon Craig’s “New Theatre”. In: WANROOIJ, B. P. F. (Ed.). Otherness anglo-american women in 19th and 20th century in Florence. Florence: Cadmo, 2001. (Série Italian history & Culture). v. 7.

______. This interval from fighting. Tracce di un insolito spettacolo al teatro Niccolini nelle carte di Dorothy Nevile Lees. Antologia Vieusseux, Firenze, n. 35, p. 67-82, 2006.

TAXIDOU, O. The Mask, a periodical performance by Edward Gordon Craig. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998.






How to Cite

Silva Filho, A. R. da. (2017). The Mask: the documental performance of Edward Gordon Craig and Dorothy Nevile Lees. Sala Preta, 17(2), 304-317.