Body-temporality: the intuition as knowledge in the teaching drama context
Bergson, epistemology, esthetic experience, teaching of drama, theatrical pedagogyAbstract
Our research deals with the relations between drama teaching, natures of knowledge and self’s duration – body-temporality. We aim to answer the question: How can the Bergsonian intuition method help us to think of the natures of knowledge in theatrical performance to reflect on functions for the drama teaching insertion in institutionalized Brazilian basic education? Methodologically, we present in this text propositions of a theoretical-conceptual nature, through a critical review of the literature. In short, with the method of Bergsonian intuition, we propose a shift in the focus of the teaching of drama from: 1. presentation of theatrical language to the student (contextualization); 2. development of taste for the language through practice (making); 3. formation of spectators for the language (reception), – for the experience of the alterity of herself for herself.
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