About Stabat Mater

conservative mirroring in some forms of contemporary theater


  • Paulo Bio Toledo Universidade de São Paulo




Stabat Mater, Contemporary theater, Theater criticism


This paper is a critical exercise on the play Stabat Mater, created by Janaína Leite and collaborators, in 2019. This production became a theatrical landmark in the city of São Paulo. Postulated as the “emergence of the real”, the artist’s own involvement in the substance of the work plus the search for a threshold zone, in which the boundary between art and life is strained, causes astonishment and fascination, but they also likely present, as a counterface, high doses of idealism and mystification. These are fascinating aesthetic formulations that have reoriented the notion of politics in the arts since the 1970s, while at the same time they seem to accompany and reproduce new patterns of cultural consumption and atomized work in force in contemporary capitalism. In summary, what appears on the one hand as transgression and refusal of the disorder of the world, on the other hand has an aspect of realignment, adherence and fascination with barbarism.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Bio Toledo, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutor em Artes Cênicas pela ECA-USP. Professor da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).


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How to Cite

Toledo, P. B. (2020). About Stabat Mater: conservative mirroring in some forms of contemporary theater. Sala Preta, 20(1), 198-219. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v20i1p198-219