Performance writing




Writing, Practice, Event, Performance


This is a translation of the essay “Performance writing” by Ric Allsopp, originally published in the PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art in 1999. Translated into Brazilian Portuguese with a twenty-year delay, this text intertwines the notions of writing and performance and exposes the foundation of performance writing as a term that designates both writing practices, which are themselves performative, and a field of knowledge.


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Author Biographies

  • Ric Allsopp, University of Falmouth

    Escritor independente, editor e professor emérito de Performance Contemporânea na University of Falmouth. Membro da equipe de coordenação do Master of Fine Arts (MFA) em Dance & Choreography na University of the Arts Philadelphia.

  • Alessandra, Universidade de São Paulo

    Pós-doutoranda na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP). Coeditora da Revista Sala Preta. Pesquisadora e professora.


BERGVALL, C. What do we mean by Performance Writing. In: ANDERSSON, A. (ed.). Postscript: writing after Conceptual Art. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. p. 83-92.

ISAACHAROFF, M.; JONES, R. (ed.). Performance texts. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998.

OLSON, C. Projective verse. In: CREELEY, R. (ed.). Selected writings. Cambridge: New Directions, 1966.

OLSON, C. The act of writing in the context of Post-Modern Man. In: BUTTERICK, G. (ed.). Olson: the journal of the Charles Olson archives. [S. l.]: University of Connecticut Press, 1974.





Tradução In´édita

How to Cite

Allsopp, R. (2022). Performance writing (Alessandra , Trans.). Sala Preta, 21(1), 140-148.