Home visiting in the Family Health Strategy: investigating families' perceptions


  • Mariene Mirian Cruz
  • Monique Marie Marthe Bourget




Home Visiting, Family Health Strategy, Social Representation


Understanding home visiting as interaction technology in family healthcare, this article aimed to apprehend the meanings attributed by these families to the home visiting performed by Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF - Family Health Strategy), with the purpose of recognizing the difficulties and potentialities of this practice. In this perspective, a qualitative approach was used. Data were collected through open interviews and analyzed in accordance with Social Representations Theory. The research was carried out in the catchment area of a Primary Family Health Care Unit, which is located in the east zone of the city of São Paulo, and five families were randomly selected (through a draw). The results showed that home visiting presents limitations because of curative practices directed to individuals, which makes autonomy production and accountability of the families in taking care of their health become secondary. However, home visiting was considered an important way of making the families and ESF become closer, favoring the access to health actions and services. It was pointed as a humanization instrument in healthcare, as home visiting enables the construction of new relationships between users and professionals and the formation of links among them.






Part I - Articles

How to Cite

Cruz, M. M., & Bourget, M. M. M. (2010). Home visiting in the Family Health Strategy: investigating families’ perceptions . Saúde E Sociedade, 19(3), 605-613. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12902010000300012