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Vol. 30 No. 1 (2021)
Vol. 30 No. 1 (2021)
Original research articles
Protocols for preventing and tackling sexual violence in the university context: an analysis of the Latin American scenario
Yana Linhares, Jordana Fontana, Carolina Laurenti
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Evidence of power expressed in architectural projects of the Hospital Santa Catarina (1974-2002)
Patrícia Draganov, Maria Cristina Sanna
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Sanitary democracy: advancements and resistance in the participation process of patients/users of the French healthcare system
Carlos Alberto Pegolo da Gama, Mariana Dorsa Figueiredo
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The common and the unfolding in the solidarity economy from ecological sanitation
Gustavo Carvalhaes Xavier Martins Pontual Machado, Tania Maria de Freitas Barros Maciel, Michel Jean Marie Thiollent
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Grounded theory research on the factors that lead to doctor moral hazard
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Suicide in dispute: a critical approach to the association between suicide and non-heteronormative sexualities
PDF (Español) (Spanish)
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Subjectivity modes in psychiatric speech: implications and impact of psychiatric diagnosis on the subject of identity construction
Cristiane Davina Redin Freitas, Bruna Reuter
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Institutional analysis of health surveillance in a city in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Claudia Maria Scheffel Corrêa da Silva, Jose Roque Junges, Solange L’Abbate, Vilene Moehleckec
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Content validity of the scale Perceptions on Interpersonal Racial Discrimination in Brazilian Healthcare Facilities (Driss)
Patricia Lima Ferreira Santa Rosa, Ana Luisa Vilela Borges, Edna Maria de Araújo
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Characteristics of adolescent sexual offenders and their victims: a study of judicial processes
Kárita Rachel Pedroso Bastos, Alexandra Manoela Lemes Eusébio, Kethelyn Nayara de Almeida Pereira, Thiago Oliveira Souza da Silva, Liana Fortunato Costa
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Health policies in Brazil: an analysis of projects financed by the World Bank during the Lula and Dilma governments
Welington Serra Lazarini, Francis Sodré, Thiago Dias Sarti, Maria Angélica Carvalho Andrade
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Legitimizers of violence in heterosexual couples, taking into account gender as a social practice structure
PDF (Español) (Spanish)
Food prescriptions and limits of medicalization: polyphony and use of the media in an urban population of Mexico
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Theoretical perspectives on health and migration: social determinants, transnationalism, and structural vulnerability
PDF (Español) (Spanish)
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Considerations on COVID-19 impact on the individual-society relationship: from vaccine hesitancy to the clamor for a vaccine
Marcia Thereza Couto, Carolina Luisa Alves Barbieri, Camila Carvalho de Souza Amorim Matos
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Positioning of user representatives in the State Health Council of Bahia in view of the worsening of SUS sub-financing in 2016-2018
Aissa Siqueira de Morais, Carmen Fontes Teixeira
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Covid-19 pandemic: a geopolitical analysis
José Gilberto Souza, Raul Guimarães
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Sensitive modes of child rearing: an inflection in the process of medicalization of childcare
Alexandra Hernandez, Ceres Victora
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Emancipating care
Nelson Barros
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Urban resilience and social services of general interest: who loses accessibility to health systems during crisis?
Carlos Gonçalves
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From the Amazon to the guidelines: the dilemmas between quilombola foods and the recommendations of the dietary guidelines for the Brazilian population
Nádia Alline Corrêa, Hilton P. Silva
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Evaluation of the degree of integration of primary health care with specialized care in the model of local health unit experienced in Portugal
Alexandre Morais Nunes
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Intellectual property in the judicialization of pharmaceutical assistance: a structural demand in defense of the Brazilian National Health System
Tiago Lopes Coelho, Luciana de Melo Nunes Lopes, Orozimbo Henriques Campos Neto, Thales Pimenta de Figueiredo, Eli Iola Gurgel Andrade
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Health practices of domination and exclusion: views of activists, professionals and researchers on the situation of forced sterilization of women and girls with disabilities in Spain
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Experiences of gynecological care by lesbian and bisexual women: (in)visibility and barriers to the exercise of the right to health
Julliana Luiz Rodrigues, Marcia Thereza Couto Falcão
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