Decision making process in health systems: a literature review


  • Raquel Flexa Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca. Departamento de Engenharia de Produção


Palabras clave:

Health System, Public Health, Decision Making, Decision Making Process


Health systems are social systems that combine different types of resources, organization structures, funding models and management mechanisms to provide health services to a defined population. Tanios et al. say that the decision-making process in a health system deals with the definition of criteria and values, use of evidences and evaluation of health policies. In this context, this research aims to conduct a literature review about the decisionmaking process in health systems, to assist and guide future studies. In this regard, a bibliographic search was made in two different databases: ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS. Publications found in this search were summarized through a superficial reading and the results were grouped into four themes: definitions and context in the decision-making process in health systems; criteria and challenges in this process; decision-making models; and information and information systems to support decision makers.


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Original research articles

Cómo citar

Flexa, R. (2018). Decision making process in health systems: a literature review. Saúde E Sociedade, 27(3), 729-739.