Ethnographic investigation of infestations with soil-transmitted helmints in Chaco-Salteno, Argentina


  • Pía Leavy Universidad de Buenos Aires; Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas; Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Universidad de Buenos Aires



Introduction This paper describes an anthropological investigation which analyzes the environmental situation of areas with high endemicity of soil-transmitted helminths (STH) in Chaco-Salta, Argentina. Objective to describe and analyze the socio-environmental context and the perception of risk within the affected population. Method the study design was developed after a critical, non-exhaustive analysis of published epidemiological literature on parasitic infestations in Argentina. Quantitative (semi-structured questionnaires on socioeconomic aspects of a selected sample) and qualitative techniques (thorough interviews of key informants and direct observation of domestic and working activities, and healthcare centers) were integrated in the study. Results The working conditions and the organization of the economic agricultural activity affects land distribution, the spaces used to build houses, access to potable water and sanitary installations. The patient population organizes strategies to procure their water and negotiates health risks. Conclusions The ethnographic focus provides detailed information on health practices and the local risk stratification, associated with gender and age of the affected population. By addressing the social, economic, and physical dimensions of the land, it is possible to problematize the understanding of health and the environment used to explain STH.


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How to Cite

Leavy, P. (2015). Ethnographic investigation of infestations with soil-transmitted helmints in Chaco-Salteno, Argentina . Saúde E Sociedade, 24(1), 321-336.