The armed conflict and the impacts on the health of workers acting in the Family Health Strategy in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil



Mots-clés :

Armed conflicts, Violence, Worker’s Health, Professional Practice, Primary Health Care


With the expansion of the Family Health Strategy in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, some health teams are inserted in territories permeated by armed conflicts becoming vulnerable to urban violence. The objective of the study was to analyze the effect these conflicts cause in the health of these workers. This is an intervention research, with qualitative approach, carried out with 13 health professionals in a family health unit located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, using institutional analysis as a theoretical-methodological referential. Stress, anguish, irritability, requests for leave of absence, among other findings, emerge from the speeches of the research participants. Armed conflicts are great tensors among health professionals, service users and management, making negative aspects to emerge, not only in the health of these workers, but also in their relations at work. The risks to physical and mental integrity that these workers undergo are constant and have a profound negative impact on their health.







Original research articles

Comment citer

Santos, R. S. dos, Mourão, L. C., Almeida, A. C. V. de, Santos, K. M. dos, Brazolino, L. D., & Leite, I. C. de M. (2020). The armed conflict and the impacts on the health of workers acting in the Family Health Strategy in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Saúde E Sociedade, 29(1), e180850.