Judicialization of health in Manaus: analysis of judicial demands between 2013 and 2017




Mots-clés :

Right to Health, Judicialization, Brazilian National Health System


This article analyzes the judicialization of health phenomenon as a means of ensuring access to health technologies (medicine, supplies, specialized medical appointments and procedures, orthoses, prostheses, and special materials) in the health system of Manaus, Brazil. Based on a delimited analysis between 2013 and 2017 of existing lawsuits in the Amazonian first degree jurisdiction, with a referential and critical analysis of similar situations in other Brazilian states found in the literature. Carried out in four stages, the research consisted in identifying all health related resolutions, selection, construction of database with categories from the proceedings, statistical treatment, and data analysis. Results showed the main reasons for the judicialization of health, as the major judicial representation carried out by organs of defense of the public sphere citizenship. Also, justice interference in the flows and procedures of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), by biased decisions in detriment of the community. There is a need for dialogue between the justice and health agencies, enforcing greater organization of federal entities in the fulfillment of their obligations, and reducing court actions to attain the right to health.








Original research articles

Comment citer

Araújo, I. C. de S., & Machado, F. R. de S. (2020). Judicialization of health in Manaus: analysis of judicial demands between 2013 and 2017. Saúde E Sociedade, 29(1), e190256. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12902020190256