Best parameters for sexual dimorphism in the facial thickness tissue with ultrasonic assessment


  • Iván Claudio Suazo Galdames Universidad de Talca, Chile.
  • Guillermo Enrique Salgado Alarcón Student Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
  • Daniela Alejandra Zavando Matamala Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina



Tissue thickness. Sex characteristics. Forensic anthropology. Face/ultrasonography. Imaging processong, computer assisted/legislation & jurisprudence.


Knowledge of facial tissue thickness is crucial to facial reconstruction procedures in forensic sculpture. The literature still brings some controversy on the validity of data obtained for different population groups. The purpose of this study was to investigate sexual dimorphism in the thickness of the facial tissues. The study sample consisted of 43 volunteers, between 24 and 48 years of age, and of normal body mass. Ultrasound measurements of facial tissue thickness were obtained at 14 median and paramedian landmarks. A T test was used to compare measurements from males and females, with a significance level of at least 0.05. Discriminant function analysis was used to determine the points that showed most distinction between the sexes. Measurements at paramedian landmarks were greater in males, while those at median landmarks were greater in female subjects, except for Down’s A and B points. We conclude that sexual dimorphism in facial thickness justifies the pre-assignment of sex in reconstruction procedures in forensic sculpture


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Biografia do Autor

  • Iván Claudio Suazo Galdames, Universidad de Talca, Chile.
    Professor & Head, Department of Normal Anatomy, Universidad de Talca, Chile. Associated Professor in Anatomy. Associated in Science in Anthropology.
  • Guillermo Enrique Salgado Alarcón, Student Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
    Student Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
  • Daniela Alejandra Zavando Matamala, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina
    Student Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina







Como Citar

Galdames ICS, Alarcón GES, Matamala DAZ. Best parameters for sexual dimorphism in the facial thickness tissue with ultrasonic assessment. Saúde ética justiça [Internet]. 7º de dezembro de 2008 [citado 6º de janeiro de 2025];13(2):60-4. Disponível em: