Determination of sex through vertical diameter of the top of the humerus and femur


  • Luis Carlos C. Galvão IML Nina Rodrigues; Universidade Federal da Bahia; Escola Bahiana de Medicina; Fundação Estácio de Lima
  • Eunice Moura Vitoria IML Nina Rodrigues; Fundação Estácio de Lima



Forensic Medicine, Sex Determination.


Many times, the specialists receive heaps of bones or parts of them for legal medical exams. The preposition of the present work was to determine the sex from the vertical diameter of the top of the humerus and femur. 102 skeletons were studied with known sex, of adults with more than 20 years. The color of the different uskins were purposely left a side. From the results it was possible to establish parameters for future comparisions and the establishment of a formula tha through the vertical diameter of the top of the right femus can be used in future determinations supplying yet the score of probability. The accuracy of the studied matter was 94% for the female sex and 96,2% for the male sex. It was possible to create a computer program for the quick execution of the formula, in the determination of the sex from th vertical diameter of the top of th right femur.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Carlos C. Galvão, IML Nina Rodrigues; Universidade Federal da Bahia; Escola Bahiana de Medicina; Fundação Estácio de Lima
    Médico Legista do IML Nina Rodrigues; Professor de Medicina Legal da Universidade Federal da Bahia e da Escola Bahiana de Medicina; Conselheiro da Fundação Estácio de Lima.
  • Eunice Moura Vitoria, IML Nina Rodrigues; Fundação Estácio de Lima
    Médica Legista do IML Nina Rodrigues e Conselheira da Fundação Estácio de Lima.






How to Cite

Galvão LCC, Vitoria EM. Determination of sex through vertical diameter of the top of the humerus and femur. Saúde ética justiça [Internet]. 2017 Apr. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];1(1):67-75. Available from: