Rulings of the Regional Labor Court of the Second Region of Sao Paulo on gas station attendants’ occupational exposure to benzene


  • Giancarlo Rodrigues Brandão Universidade de São Paulo
  • Eduardo Costa Sá Instituto Médico Legal do Estado de São Paulo
  • Marcia Vieira da Motta Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina



Occupational Exposure, Benzene, Workers Compensation


Occupational exposure to benzene, a known carcinogenic and haematotoxic substance, is well-known in the steel industry, but might also occur in workplaces where petroleum products are produced, transported, stored, used or manipulated, such as gas stations.

São Paulo State Law No. 16.656, of January 12, 2018 establishes preventive measures against the contamination of gas station workers, reinforcing the current occupational safety regulations. This paper aimed to verify how often cases of this nature reached the labor courts, as well as the judges’ reasoning when granting or denying the right being claimed. In the last 18 years, only six such cases have reached the Regional Labor Court of the second region (State of São Paulo) for alleged occupational benzene contamination. Of these, five came from Labor Courts of the coast of São Paulo and one from the capital. The court did not request expert opinion in only one case, as they considered it was impossible to conduct face-to-face examination given the employee had died of leukemia. In one case, additional expert opinion was solicited by the Court of Appeal, since the original expert claimed not knowing any scientific basis relating occupational gasoline exposure and the leukemia presented by the gas station attendant. In the other cases, the diseases presented were leukopenia, neutropenia/leukopenia, thyroid adenocarcinoma and rhinitis/laryngitis; a direct causal relation between occupational benzene exposure and the employee’s illness was found only in the first two cases. In the last decision, the gas station attendant sought the court only to recognize the unhealthy conditions of the workplace; the expert evidence concluded otherwise. Few cases have reached the courts in recent years seeking employer liability in cases of occupational benzene contamination in gas station attendants. Despite the small sample, this research indicates the importance of the occupational medical record of the employee, with their regular examinations, to clarify the nature of the occupational illness. It also shows the importance of the expert’s technical and scientific knowledge  to help judges reach a decisions. 


Author Biography

  • Marcia Vieira da Motta, Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina

    Professora da Especialização em Perícias Médicas do Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 


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How to Cite

Brandão GR, Sá EC, da Motta MV. Rulings of the Regional Labor Court of the Second Region of Sao Paulo on gas station attendants’ occupational exposure to benzene. Saúde ética justiça [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];24(2):84-9. Available from: