Advances in the diagnosis of sexual violence: forensic aspects




Sexual Violence, Forensic Medicine, Expert Testimony


INTRODUCTION: Sexual violence is a public health issue that is likely underreported in health services due to failure in identifying victims and in performing the compulsory notification to the health system and police authority. The data concerning this topic varies according to the age and gender of victims. OBJECTIVE: To present the main criminological identification techniques for victims of sexual violence and their adaptations according to age group and gender. METHOD: Narrative review of the literature in the PubMed database with the descriptors “Sexual Violence; Forensic Medicine, Expert Evidence”, with no search time limit. Articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish were included and
obtained in full. RESULTS and DISCUSSION: The identification of sexual abuse in children varies according to multiple factors (age, sex, modus operandi of the aggressor, etc.). Many sexual crimes do not leave physical traces on the victims, or leave traces that require perfected techniques for analysis. Conventional medico-legal practice is not always able to offer irrefutable technical proof to the court. Advances in the identification of the aggressor through biological material left on the victim have shown promising results, many of which are still inaccessible in our practice. The applicability of new methods must be discussed so they may be included in forensic medical-expert routine. CONCLUSION: Tests for the criminological identification of victims make it possible to offer security and comfort even in cases of delayed disclosure and to establish protective measures and thus reduce abuse recurrence.


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How to Cite

Miziara CSMG, Oliveira BMS de, Silva NO da, Frederico M da M, Paula LF de, Gabriel JC, et al. Advances in the diagnosis of sexual violence: forensic aspects . Saúde ética justiça [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(2):84-92. Available from: