Call for Papers: Special Dossier Maurício Lissovsky


Maurício Lissovsky: the actuality of visual images in the experiences of the contemporary

Among the many questions formulated by Mauricio Lissovsky in his research on the production of images, one that participated in the daily life of his studies inquired: “how are images seeing our present time?” A historian by training and with a deep knowledge in the field of photography - its objects and devices -, Lissovsky dealt with the historical crossings that manifest themselves in the weaving of images and mobilize readings with displacements of times and spaces.

The legacy of these studies marks his contribution to the areas of Communication, History, Aesthetics, among others, and became fundamental for the improvement of the mediating relations observed between the photographic making, in its gesture and its making, and its politics.  

Significação - Revista de Cultura Audiovisual has opened its pages to house a special dossier on the thought, readings, and contributions of Maurício Lissovsky to all the communicational, aesthetic, political, pedagogical and other mediations without which the cultural force of images would not have the same relevance in the political-social configuration. We invite researchers to engage in dialogue with Maurício Lissovsky, with his ideas and with the vivacity of his thought and of his critical analysis of images in conjunction with different temporalities.

To what extent the instigating premise of his thought on photography – “The actuality of the images is never lost”, he used to say, “because they are revived by the experience of the contemporary” - is extended, equally, to the revival of his thought on the making of photographic gestures? What readings may blossom from a dialogical exercise with his scholarship? This is our invitation for what we hope to be an inconclusive dialogue.

Andréa França

Cristina Teixeira

Irene Machado

Juliana Gutmann

Roberta Veiga

Contributions are welcome through to the 8 January 2024.