“Forgetting to Remember” in Forgotten Valley (Maria Raduan, 2012) and Huanacache, tierra Huarpe (Silvina Cuman e Javier Orrade, 2010)



Documentary, National Narratives, Postcolonialism, Latin American Cinema, Cultural Diversity


This article explores how the Argentine documentary Huanacache, tierra Huarpe (Silvina Cuman and Javier Orrade, 2010) and the Brazilian documentary Forgotten Valley (Vale dos esquecidos, Maria Raduan, 2010) provide a counter-narrative of national unity by denouncing institutionalized racism and the perpetuation of the colonial condition of indigenous people in contemporary Argentina and Brazil. In light of Ernest Renan’s (1882) formulation of nationhood, which has been further developed by Homi K. Bhabha (1990, 2007), it investigates the extent to which “forgetting to remember” the indigenous population’s plight links to the need to suppress the historical violence in order to retain a sense of harmony in formulations of the countries’ national unity. 


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Author Biography

  • Natalia Pinazza, Birkbeck College, UK
    Dr Natália Pinazza’s is an associate lecturer at Birkbeck College, UK. She completed an ORSA funded PhD at the University of Bath, UK. She studied Portuguese and Italian as an undergraduate at the University of São Paulo, Brazil before completing a MA (funded by Academic Excellence Awards) at the University of Bath, UK. 


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How to Cite

“Forgetting to Remember” in Forgotten Valley (Maria Raduan, 2012) and Huanacache, tierra Huarpe (Silvina Cuman e Javier Orrade, 2010). (2015). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 42(44), 160-175. https://revistas.usp.br/significacao/article/view/103325