Musical Film in Latin America: a mapping.


  • Guilherme Maia Federal University of Bahia
  • Lucas Ravazzano Universidade Federal da Bahia



Latin America, fictional musical, popular music, cinema history


This study aims to give a brief mapping of the fictional musical cinema in Latin America, in order to understand how different Latin cinematography appropriated the musical format and how it spoke with local cultural traditions, especially of film and popular music, to develop. We seek therefore address how the fictional musical is linked to the history of Latin American cinema and the national and cultural identity issues that constantly emerge from these movies. 


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Author Biographies

  • Guilherme Maia, Federal University of Bahia

    MA in Musicology, PhD in Communication and Contemporary Culture, professor in the Communication College and the Post-graduation Program in Communication and Contemporary Culture of the Federal University of Bahia. 

  • Lucas Ravazzano, Universidade Federal da Bahia
    PhD candidate of the Post-graduation Program in Contemporary Communication and Culture of the Federal University of Bahia.


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How to Cite

Maia, G., & Ravazzano, L. (2015). Musical Film in Latin America: a mapping. Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 42(44), 212-231.