Costumes, colors and framing of the film The Clown: Plastic aspects in the construction of a closed and nostalgic universe




The Clown, costumes, framing, art direction, South American cinema.


In this paper, we will analyze some artistic aspects that compose the mise-en-scène of the film The Clown, especially the costumes and the framing of the characters in order to understand how these elements work together in the visual composition of a nostalgic narrative that takes place in a vague historical time and compressed by the mountainous landscape of Minas Gerais. Given the critical and popular reception the film received, it is important to understand the importance of the plastic elements in developing a successful South American work that dialogues with international contemporary cinema.


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Author Biography

  • Marina Soler Jorge, Art History Department - Universidade Fededar de São Paulo
    Professor at the Art History Department - Unifesp - São Paulo


Referências bibliográficas

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Referências filmográficas

A FESTA da menina morta. Matheus Nachtergaele, Brasil, 2008.

BUDAPESTE. Walter Carvalho, Brasil, 2009.

FA yeung nin wa (Amor à flor da pele). Kar Wai Wong, Hong Kong/China, 2000.

FAR from heaven (Longe do paraíso). Todd Haynes, EUA, 2002.

FELIZ Natal. Selton Mello, Brasil, 2008.

MOONRISE Kingdom. Wes Anderson, EUA, 2012.

O PALHAÇO. Selton Mello, Brasil, 2011.

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How to Cite

Jorge, M. S. (2016). Costumes, colors and framing of the film The Clown: Plastic aspects in the construction of a closed and nostalgic universe. Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(45), 240-257.