Intentionality of expressive forms: style and method in Bordwell and Baxandall


  • Tess Chamusca Pirajá Federal University of Bahia



style, method, Bordwell, Baxandall.


In order to encourage the appropriation among researchers of different audiovisual productions, this paper brings together the methodological resources used by Bordwell and Baxandall in the analysis of stylistic issues in two types of artistical productions: movies and paintings. The work identifies connecting points between both authors and shows how they complement each other. Among them are the development of analysis focused on the expressive forms of their respective artistic works, the use of the paradigm problem/solution, the refusal of universalizing theories, an attentive historical perspective, and the concern not to impose method over the artistic production investigated, respecting the modes of composition of each work.


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Author Biography

  • Tess Chamusca Pirajá, Federal University of Bahia
    Tess Chamusca Pirajá has a degree in Journalism and a master's degree in Culture and Society from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), and is currently a doctoral researcher in the Contemporary Communication and Culture also from UFBA. 


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How to Cite

Intentionality of expressive forms: style and method in Bordwell and Baxandall. (2017). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 44(48), 142-157.