Mourn and memory: the fragility of the space in-between in Ventos de Agosto


  • Vitor Cerqueira Dassie University of Texas at Austin



Space in-between, Memorialization, Interculturality, cinema, Brazil


Gabriel Mascaro’s Ventos de Agosto portrays the struggle of a small fishing community in Alagoas, Brazil, as they become aware of the different currents that invade it. Represented by the advance of the sea over the local cemetery, the extraordinary strength of these currents has been eroding their memory spaces and threatening their survival as a society. The idea of space in-between, debated in Brazil as a space for affirmation and resistance to social erasure, finds in Mascaro a transition point where the disparity observed between the forces in question point to a precarious interculturality in the face of such disproportionality and to anxiety for survival and memorialization.


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Author Biography

  • Vitor Cerqueira Dassie, University of Texas at Austin

    Doutorando do programa de Estudos Culturais e de Mídia Luso- Brasileiros da Universidade do Texas em Austin, EUA. Mestre em Arte, Cognição e Cultura pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – PPGArtes UERJ. Atuante na área de Política Cultural na Agência Nacional do Cinema – Ancine. Bacharel em Música pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Unirio.


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Referências audiovisuais

VENTOS de agosto. Gabriel Mascaro, Brasil, 2014.






How to Cite

Mourn and memory: the fragility of the space in-between in Ventos de Agosto. (2021). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 48(55), 96-117.