O código lingüístico como substância de alguns universos de discurso


  • María Aparecida Barbosa




Two moments may be considered in the study of verbal Herances: 1) as instrument of utilitarian communication, and 2) as elements for the formation of the different universes of discourse. The linguistic code, which results from a complex elaboration of hierarchical unities, is reduced to general models which, in turn, permit it to attend to its primary functions; in it, the relevance of only some characteristics cause it to be as homogeneous as possible for the speakers, guaranteeing the efficiency of the process of communication. In the universes of discourse, their elements are redistributed, acquiring the formal status proper to each one of them, according to the patterns of expression and content peculiar to them. Althoug based on the same general models, their characteristics are modified by the complex implications which take for their substance the lingustics form. Thus, particular models of discourse develop their own forms and constitute themselves, simultaneously, into substance for the elaboration of sub-codes and for the structuring of their micro-universes.


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How to Cite

O código lingüístico como substância de alguns universos de discurso. (1975). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 2, 51-66. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.1975.90264