Political Resistance and Fiction Film: Argentina 1976-1989


  • Ana Laura Lusnich UBA




dictatorship, fictions, allegory, metaphor, political resistance


The paper has two main objectives. One of them is to discern the textual and semantic characteristics of all allegorical-metaphorical films made in Argentina during last military dictatorship and the early stage of post-dictatorship. The other is to analyze, in a critical an reflexive way, two emblematic films of this trend dedicated to theming and represent the figures of victims and perpetrators: Last Days of the Victim (Últimos dias da vítima 1982), by Adolfo Aristarain, and There are a Guys Downstairs (Existem alguns caras para baixo, 1985), by Rafael Filippelli and Emilio Alfaro.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Laura Lusnich, UBA
    possui doutorado em Introducción al lenguaje de las artes combinadas pela Universidad de Buenos Aires (2004) . Tem experiência na área de Artes , com ênfase em Cinema.


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How to Cite

Political Resistance and Fiction Film: Argentina 1976-1989. (2015). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 42(43), 96-113. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2015.98294