From the specular illusion to the performativity of images


  • Cesar Baio Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Parole chiave:

Image theory, Technical image, Photography, Materiality, Post-anthropocentrism


This essay resumes Arlindo Machado’s main critiques of the ontology of photography to discuss the anthropocentrism that marks the classic theory and hypothesize other ways of thinking about the technical image, based on the ontological division between the world (Nature), the human (Man), and technique. As a consequence of this critique, the text argues that the recognition of the materiality of the processes of image production and circulation would imply the emergence of multiple and heterogenous ontologies of the image. As such, the image crystalizes a specific way of understanding the word, which the artist encodes in their work. This conceptualization leads to the enhancement of the performative aspect that the image assumes in contemporary culture.


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Biografia autore

  • Cesar Baio, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Doutor e Mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP. Professor e pesquisador no Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Referências audiovisuais

WE shall survive in the memory of others. Miklós Peternák, Romênia-Alemanha, 2010.



Come citare

Baio, C. (2022). From the specular illusion to the performativity of images. Significação: Revista De Cultura Audiovisual, 49(57), 80-102.
