Social distancing and COVID-19: strategies adopted by Nursing students




Mental Health, Students, Students Health Occupations, Coronavirus Infections, Social Isolation, Adaptation Psychological


 Objective: identify which coping strategies have been adopted by Nursing students at a public university in the face of the difficulties experienced during the social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: cross-sectional study, conducted with 148 students, from an online questionnaire. The statistical analysis was carried out through descriptive analysis of the data, presenting the results by absolute and relative frequencies and measures of central tendency. Results: a small portion was found to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 (6.1%). In contrast, 39.9% reported that some family member was infected. In relation to those who used coping strategies (91.2%), the adoption of hobbies (49.3%) and the performance of physical activities (26.4%) stand out. It is noted that both were also related to means to get away from the lived situation and/or in the attempt to escape negative thoughts. Conclusion: the results indicate that the support of the university is necessary, based on actions focused on the mental health of nursing students, enhancing strategies that are effective in improving the well-being and reducing the stress of students, susceptible to psychic illness, from the experiences and fears of the university environment.


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How to Cite

Portugal, F. B., Wandekoken, K. D., Souza, R. S. de, Souza, E. da R., & Rodrigues, L. do N. (2021). Social distancing and COVID-19: strategies adopted by Nursing students. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(2), 7-15.