The consumption of psychoactive substances among older adults: a complex perspective




Aged, Drug Users, Health of the Older Adults, Nursing


Objective: to describe the pattern of consumption of psychoactive substances among older adults from the perspective of complexity. Method: a qualitative survey of the multiple-case study type, carried out with eleven older adults at their homes and/or at a health service; data was collected through documents, unsystematic observation and semi-structured interview; they were analyzed in a general, analytical and theoretical way by comparing the cases; its theoretical axis was complexity, being approved by the research ethics committee. Results: regarding the pattern of consumption of psychoactive substances, two themes were found: encounter with the substance, which identified older adults using legal and illegal substances, and forms of consumption; consequences and motivations of drug use and/or abandonment. Consequences are material/economic losses and crime, and motivations for socialization and escape from stress/anxiety. The older adults who stopped or reduced their consumption adhered to the harm reduction strategy. Conclusion: the consumption of psychoactive substances by older adults was evidenced, with space for the success of health/nursing interventions, with the creation of actions/programs with a specific approach to harm reduction.


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How to Cite

Cruz, V. D., Santos, S. S. C., Oliveira, M. M. de, Moraes, C. L. de, & Oliveira, P. C. de. (2021). The consumption of psychoactive substances among older adults: a complex perspective. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(4), 54-62.